

与1美元.70亿美元的年收入, 健康十大赌博正规老平台公司, 总部设在康涅狄格州, is the largest provider of behavioral healthcare services in the U.S., 2人以上,000年企业, 健康计划, 保险公司, 工会, 和国家, 县市政府. Their vision is to help individuals improve their well-being by offering members access to high quality, 临床上合适, 负担得起的医疗保健, 根据每个人的需求量身定制, 同时负责任地管理成本.


  • 将IT资源集中在业务目标上
  • 提高网络利用率
  • Prevents widespread virus attacks and potential service outages
  • MTTR降低三分之二
  • 改进开发压力测试
  • Uses expansive reporting to improve forecast accuracy of 网络带宽和利用率
  • 防止出现十大赌博正规老平台问题
  • 有效地传达成功


For this health services company, IT Operations is pivotal. Whether it’s completing the challenging task of migrating offices to central platforms or consolidating redundant networks, IT运营必须保持24小时, seven-day-a-week customer access to resources and information. As the Senior Vice-President of IT Operations explains: “Our goal is to manage the network to support our business. 确保100%访问我们的业务系统, 我们得知道我们有什么装备, what is not being used and how to identify potential problem areas to effectively manage traffic and bandwidth.”

在合并的第一次尝试中, a migrated office began consuming huge amounts of bandwidth, 造成性能问题. Rudimentary network tools provided little to no reporting capabilities, making it impossible for IT Operations to determine the source of the problem. “We realized that to continue migration, we needed more from a network management solution. 我们需要 网络故障检测, 网络性能监控, 网络库存发现 & management and in-depth reporting capabilities in one solution,” he states.

The company faced several challenges in meeting its goal:

  • Network consolidation; elimination of redundancies, taking advantage of equipment trade-ins and lower costs
  • Consistent, reliable reporting to support and manage for 100% access
  • Inventory management to determine resource capacity and effectively use bandwidth
  • Stress testing of applications, and tracking and reporting on results
  • 为所有客户提供高水平的十大赌博正规老平台


“与Entuity, we have fault, performance and inventory management all in one tool. 这使我们的工作更有效率. Rather than integrating and working with two or three tools, we easily learned and use one. 我们的团队现在对客户的要求反应更加迅速.”

Key to helping VP and his team choose Entuity’s solution is that Entuity consolidates and correlates three operational disciplines using a centralized repository, 强大的分析引擎, presentation and notification and unprecedented reporting.

“与Entuity, we have fault, performance and inventory management all in one tool. 这使我们的工作更有效率. Rather than integrating and working with two or three tools, we easily learned and use one. 我们的团队现在对客户的要求反应更加迅速.”


保护实体资源管理报告, the company recently identified a rampant computer virus, 防止公司内部的广泛感染.

“Entuity’s ability to track MAC and IP addresses on switches and routers proved to be an extremely useful feature,首席网络工程师说. Their network sensors detected the virus scans and identified the infected IP address. “We entered the IP address into Entuity and with the touch of a button, determined which PCs and ports were infected and where they were located. Entuity allowed us to rapidly shut down the infected ports and switches. 行动如此迅速是无价的. We experienced little impact to our network and services.”


改进的平均维修时间(MTTR): 与Entuity implemented, the IT Operations team estimates it has decreased MTTR 涉及个人电脑的问题, 十大赌博正规老平台器和交换机减少三分之二, freeing up valuable resources and increasing productivity.

加强对发展的支持: IT Operations more effectively supports their development teams. Utilizing Entuity, the team helps stress test applications before they are released into production. The network engineers drill down and determine what ports development servers use. 一旦确定, engineers track server and port utilization (volume of activity) during stress tests to determine where bottlenecks or bandwidth problems might occur. 与Entuity, IT Operations identifies faults in the network and proactively increases bandwidth, 预防生产中的问题.

影响分析: 根据高级副总裁的说法, “Entuity enables us to review the impact consolidation has on our WAN in real time. We proactively evaluate where we are and use this analysis to forecast future needs as our consolidation efforts continue. We plan to display performance reports on our Intranet so business units can review system availability at any time and management can determine how well IT operations is performing. 对整个组织有更大的可见性, we effectively prevent service outages and communicate our effectiveness.”


  • 将IT资源集中在业务目标上
  • 提高网络利用率
  • Prevented widespread virus attack and potential service outage
  • MTTR降低了三分之二
  • 改进的开发压力测试
  • Used expansive reporting to improve forecast accuracy of 网络带宽和利用率
  • 防止出现十大赌博正规老平台问题
  • 有效地沟通成功

“Entuity’s willingness to be a true partner provided us with the ability to impact product planning, further helping us to meet our goals and objectives for better network operations and availability.”
- IT运营高级副总裁

企业免去了网络管理的工作. 我们的高度自动化, unied enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects and easily integrates with major frameworks and networking environments. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements. Founded in 1997 by two senior-level IT executives from the financial industry, Entuity is headquartered in London with US operations in Boston.